This is the worst online dating site I’ve used. Doesn’t really allow you to search with differing criteria, never once has a ” Smart Match” responded to me. The matches also seem a little too good to be true and these factors both lead me to believe they are bogus profiles. The carousel feature allows you to flip thru pics but does not allow you to read the profile so you really are just judging by the person’s primary photo. Once you both say you are interested in each other ( or is it the computer program?) you are supposed to spend coins to open the match. again, no one has ever done opened the match and when I have there is always some incompatibility in features I have deselected like smoker, never married. The guys I have communicated with all agree this site sucks. Also, there is a feature which tells you how popular you are- guess what? its always set on low and you can ” buy” an increase in popularity. This site seems like it was designed by bullying middle schoolers.