(31 reviews)


Avg rating: 1.5


Datemyage.com is an online dating platform designed for singles who are looking for partners in their age group. It provides a safe and secure space where like-minded individuals can connect and find meaningful relationships. With a user-friendly interface, advanced matchmaking algorithms, and various communication tools, Datemyage.com aims to make the Online Dating experience convenient and enjoyable for its users. In this article, we will explore the key features, benefits, challenges, and safety measures of Datemyage.com.

Key Features of DateMyAge.com

DateMyAge.com is an online dating platform that provides several features to help people over 40 years of age to find a compatible partner. Some of the key features of DateMyAge.com include:

  1. Advanced Matching Algorithm
  2. Communication Tools
  3. User-Friendly Interface
  4. Mobile App
  5. Global Reach
  6. Safety and Security Measures.

Let’s discuss each of these features in detail.

User-Friendly Interface

DateMyAge.com has a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for anyone to navigate the website. The website is designed with a modern look and feel, which is very appealing to the eyes. The layout is simple and easy to understand, making it possible for anyone to use the website without facing any difficulties. The website is easy to access, and you can quickly sign up and create your profile with minimal efforts.

Advanced Matching Algorithm

DateMyAge com uses an advanced matching algorithm to help users find compatible partners based on their preferences and interests. The algorithm takes into account various factors such as age, location, relationship goals, and personal interests to suggest matches that are most likely to be a good fit for the user. The platform also allows users to search for matches manually by applying filters to their search criteria. This ensures that users have a higher chance of finding someone who meets their specific needs and desires.


Communication Tools

DateMyAge.com offers various communication tools to help its users connect with each other. Some of the key communication tools available on the platform include messaging, video chat, and voice chat. Users can use these tools to interact with each other in real-time and get to know each other better. The platform also offers translation services to help users communicate in different languages.

Global Reach

DateMyAge.com is a dating website that caters to individuals who are over 40 years old. The site has a global reach and is available in over 32 countries, including the United States, Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom, and Russia. DateMyAge.com offers its services in multiple languages, including English, Spanish, German, French, and Italian, among others, making it accessible to a wider audience.

With its global reach, DateMyAge.com provides an opportunity for individuals to connect with others from different countries and cultures. The website’s platform is designed to facilitate online communication and interaction between members, allowing them to chat, share photos, and get to know each other better.

DateMyAge.com is committed to providing a safe and secure dating environment for its members. The website has implemented various safety measures, such as verifying member profiles and monitoring the site for any suspicious activity. These measures help to ensure that members can use the site with confidence and without fear of fraud or identity theft.

Advantages and Benefits of DateMyAge.com

Global Reach: DateMyAge.com has a global reach, which means that members can connect with other singles from all over the world. This provides an opportunity to meet people from different cultures and backgrounds, which can be exciting and enriching.

Targeted Membership: DateMyAge.com caters specifically to singles who are over 40 years old. This means that members are more likely to find like-minded individuals who are in a similar stage of life and have similar interests.

Easy to Use: DateMyAge.com is user-friendly and easy to navigate, even for those who may not be tech-savvy. The website has a simple design and offers clear instructions on how to use all of its features.

Multiple Communication Tools: DateMyAge.com provides various communication tools, including instant messaging, email, and video chat. This allows members to connect with each other in a variety of ways and get to know each other better.

Safe and Secure: DateMyAge.com has implemented several safety measures to ensure that members can use the site with confidence. For example, the site verifies member profiles and monitors for any suspicious activity.

Mobile App: DateMyAge.com has a mobile app that allows members to access the site from their smartphone or tablet. This makes it easy to stay connected with other members, even when on-the-go.

Success Stories and Testimonials

“I never thought I would find love online, but DateMyAge.com proved me wrong! I met my soulmate on the site, and we are now engaged to be married. Thank you, DateMyAge.com!” – Emily, 45.

“I was skeptical about online dating, but I decided to give it a try. I’m so glad I did! I met some amazing people on DateMyAge.com, and I’m now in a happy, committed relationship. I never would have met my partner without this site.” – Michael, 50.

“DateMyAge.com made it easy for me to connect with other singles who were looking for the same things as me. I met some great people, and I’m now in a long-term relationship with someone who truly understands me. Thank you, DateMyAge.com!” – Maria, 42.

“I had been single for years and was starting to lose hope of ever finding someone. Then I discovered DateMyAge.com. Within a few months, I met my future wife. We’re now happily married and starting a family. I’m forever grateful to DateMyAge.com for bringing us together.” – David, 47.

“I’m so glad I decided to join DateMyAge.com. I met some wonderful people and made some great friends, but I also found the love of my life. We’re now living together and planning our future together. Thank you, DateMyAge.com, for helping me find my happy ending!” – Sarah, 52.

Safety and Security

Safety and security are a top priority for DateMyAge.com. The site has implemented several measures to ensure that members can use the site with confidence and without fear of fraud or identity theft. Here are some of the safety and security features of DateMyAge.com:

Verification of Member Profiles: DateMyAge.com verifies all member profiles to ensure that they are real people and not bots or fake accounts. This helps to prevent scams and fraudulent activity on the site.

Monitoring for Suspicious Activity: DateMyAge.com has a team of moderators who monitor the site for any suspicious activity. This includes checking for fake profiles, monitoring for inappropriate behavior, and responding to reports of abuse or harassment.

Secure Payment Processing: DateMyAge.com uses secure payment processing to ensure that all financial transactions are safe and secure. This includes using encryption and other security measures to protect members’ personal and financial information.

Privacy Settings: DateMyAge.com offers a range of privacy settings that members can use to control who can see their profile, photos, and other personal information. This allows members to maintain their privacy and feel secure while using the site.

Reporting and Blocking: DateMyAge.com allows members to report any inappropriate behavior or suspicious activity on the site. Members can also block other members who are making them feel uncomfortable or unsafe.

Conclusion and Final Thoughts

DateMyAge.com is a popular and effective Dating Site for singles over 40 who are looking for love and companionship. The site’s global reach, targeted membership, and easy-to-use features make it a great choice for anyone who wants to connect with like-minded singles in a safe and secure environment.

DateMyAge.com offers several benefits to its members, including access to a large pool of potential matches, advanced search tools, and communication features that make it easy to connect with other members. Additionally, the site’s commitment to safety and security ensures that members can use the site with confidence and without fear of fraud or identity theft.

Overall, DateMyAge.com is a great option for anyone who is looking for love and companionship in their 40s, 50s, 60s, or beyond. The site’s success stories and testimonials demonstrate that it has helped many singles find meaningful relationships, and its commitment to safety and security makes it a trustworthy and reliable platform for online dating. Whether you’re looking for a long-term relationship or just a casual connection, DateMyAge.com has the tools and features to help you find what you’re looking for.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is DateMyAge.com?

DateMyAge.com is an online dating website that caters to individuals over 45 years of age who are looking for love and companionship. The website is designed to help mature singles connect with like-minded individuals who are also looking for a serious relationship. The three most important pieces of information to know about DateMyAge.com are: It caters specifically to individuals over the age of 45 who are looking for love and companionship. The website is designed to help mature singles connect with like-minded individuals who are also looking for a serious relationship. DateMyAge.com offers a variety of features, including a search function, instant messaging, and a mobile app, to make online dating more accessible and convenient for its users.

How does DateMyAge.com work?

DateMyAge.com is an easy-to-use online dating platform that allows users to create a profile and connect with other members who share similar interests and values. Once you create a profile, you can browse through the website's user base and start messaging other members who catch your eye. The three most important pieces of information to know about how DateMyAge.com works are: Users can create a profile for free and browse through the website's user base to find potential matches. The website uses a matching algorithm to suggest potential matches based on users' preferences and interests. DateMyAge.com also offers a variety of communication features, including instant messaging, video calls, and virtual gifts, to help users connect with each other and build meaningful relationships.

Is DateMyAge.com free?

While you can create a profile and browse through the website's user base for free, DateMyAge.com offers additional features and services that require a paid subscription. Some of the features that are available exclusively to paid subscribers include unlimited messaging, advanced search filters, and the ability to see who has viewed your profile. The three most important pieces of information to know about the cost of using DateMyAge.com are: Users can create a profile and browse through the website's user base for free. Additional features and services, such as unlimited messaging and advanced search filters, are available exclusively to paid subscribers. The cost of a paid subscription varies depending on the length of the subscription and the specific features that are included.

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Scam scam scam

The people are real but their intentions are to keep you using the site and spending money. I have screenshots of my experience and have reached out to the attorney general. Stay away

DateMyAge is a total FRAUD

The dating site DateMyAge is a total FRAUD, I met fake members who are the partners in robbery with the scam site administration, together they ripped me off $25 within only 18 hours. After I did a search for members in Thailand because I wanted to retire there, 2 men in Bangkok messaged me. One of them, Hong, purportedly a chef in Bangkok, bombarded me with emails and chat messages. I could not resist the temptation and bought $25 credit to chat with him. Strange thing is he was always online in the same day time with me, and kept writing emails and chat messages, but in Thailand it’s their night time. Since I always stay up late in night, I found when it’s day time in Thailand, he was always offline. Every day the same. It means he actually is located not in Thailand but here in my time zone. I asked him if he needed to work as a chef day time, he would not answer me. He always dodged my questions about his personal life, but talking about he is always traveling in Europe, he would take me there. I gave him my email address, but he said he would get to know each other better before go email. Now I was sure he is a total fake, an agent of this site. And then another purportedly Thailand guy at first marked himself in Bangkok, later changed it to New York, probably realized that he was writing to me only in my daytime. Finally a very handsome, purportedly Arab man in a Arabic country contacted me, and he was also only active in my dame time zone…I chatted with these three guys and suddenly found my 50 credits had become 25 within few hours. Then next session I only sent 2 chat messages, the chat messages were supposed to cost 1 credit only, but my 20 credits were gone, only 5 credits left. Then the last time I logged in, I did not send any message, but my 5 credits were all gone. So within less than 24 hours, all my $25 was gone. I contacted the site, they said I chatted live on video with Hong, but I only sent chat messages, never went on live chat with anyone. The site gave me back the 5 credits. But I never used that 5 credits, because by now I am quite sure all this site is a TOTAL FRAUD, and they would rob me off my last penny just by logging in. I wonder if there is any action I can take to get my money back? Too bad I didn’t read any review when I bought the credits.

Update on October 26: Even the complaint process is a fraud at DateMyAge. They say if any member is fake, we give you money back. However, when I tried to fill out the complaint form, found I need the member IDs for the fake members, but those members’ ID could not be found on their profiles. I asked the DateMyAge support team 3 times where I can find their ID, no response. So my compliant can’t be filed and I will never get my money back. It’s a total fraud, not only members, but the dating site itself, are a total fraud. Through this fraud they are robbing your money people.

DateMyAge is a total FRAUD

The dating site DateMyAge is a total FRAUD, I met fake members who are the partners in robbery with the scam site administration, together they ripped me off $25 within only 18 hours. After I did a search for members in Thailand because I wanted to retire there, 2 men in Bangkok messaged me. One of them, Hong, purportedly a chef in Bangkok, bombarded me with emails and chat messages. I could not resist the temptation and bought $25 credit to chat with him. Strange thing is he was always online in the same day time with me, and kept writing emails and chat messages, but in Thailand it’s their night time. Since I always stay up late in night, I found when it’s day time in Thailand, he was always offline. Every day the same. It means he actually is located not in Thailand but here in my time zone. I asked him if he needed to work as a chef day time, he would not answer me. He always dodged my questions about his personal life, but talking about he is always traveling in Europe, he would take me there. I gave him my email address, but he said he would get to know each other better before go email. Now I was sure he is a total fake, an agent of this site. And then another purportedly Thailand guy at first marked himself in Bangkok, later changed it to New York, probably realized that he was writing to me only in my daytime. Finally a very handsome, purportedly Arab man in a Arabic country contacted me, and he was also only active in my dame time zone…I chatted with these three guys and suddenly found my 50 credits had become 25 within few hours. Then next session I only sent 2 chat messages, the chat messages were supposed to cost 1 credit only, but my 20 credits were gone, only 5 credits left. Then the last time I logged in, I did not send any message, but my 5 credits were all gone. So within less than 24 hours, all my $25 was gone. I contacted the site, they said I chatted live on video with Hong, but I only sent chat messages, never went on live chat with anyone. The site gave me back the 5 credits. But I never used that 5 credits, because by now I am quite sure all this site is a TOTAL FRAUD, and they would rob me off my last penny just by logging in. I wonder if there is any action I can take to get my money back? Too bad I didn’t read any review when I bought the credits.

Update on October 26: Even the complaint process is a fraud at DateMyAge. They say if any member is fake, we give you money back. However, when I tried to fill out the complaint form, found I need the member IDs for the fake members, but those members’ ID could not be found on their profiles. I asked the DateMyAge support team 3 times where I can find their ID, no response. So my compliant can’t be filed and I will never get my money back. It’s a total fraud, not only members, but the dating site itself, are a total fraud. Through this fraud they are robbing your money people.

Don't fall for it

All the pictures are fake no one is really in your area. All they want is your money. Don’t fall for it.

This app is a scam

This app is a scam. There is probably somebody paid to respond to your chats….. I wasted a lot of money talking to a girl, and I mean A LOT… I had a bad feeling about it… but I was so engaged in the conversation and overwhelmed with emotion to turn away…. I thought “hey it’s normal to want to just chat on the site for awhile, I’ll just give it some time…. ” that “time” just doesn’t end…… This scam was probably the most disappointing ordeal I’ve had in the longest time, if not ever. Hearts are not to be played with.

This is the worst dating site

This is the worst dating site. They ignore your location and send you matches from various other states. You will get messages that you have many reviews. They are not there. There are members photos on this site from years ago. I know this for a fact because I was on this site in 2018 and met a guy. When I went back on this site his profile came up. Same one same pic from 2018 and I know he is and has been in a good relationship. So DON’T DO IT. It’s too expensive for what you get and the men are mostly just surfing and not seriously looking.

This site is a total joke

This site is a total joke. They have no way to control scammers on there. I was getting 10-15 emails a day. The last 3 months on there was a waste of time. I only found 1 legitie person to talk with there in 3 MONTHS! Anyone asks me about this site I will say run do not past og

It's pointless

This site is the worst I have seen so far for mature singles. Very few people, communication is not great, their suggestions are from other provinces and even in the US. I’m going to cancel without even finishing out my subscription, it’s pointless.

I won't recommend this to anyone

Not good. I won’t recommend this to anyone. They’re just good with collecting your money. But not willing to help.

Stay well clear

I met and chatted to a guy for a week on this site and then found that he had 2 profiles and the photos were actually off someone on the internet. A complete scam. The site obviously doesn’t check any of the profiles at all or the photos. I just did a google search and found out it was just cat fishing. Stay well clear.

Very expensive site

Very expensive site but very limited members and success from what I can see,, best of luck. I’m out of here !

Avoid at all costs.

They try to get extra money for what other sites include in the basic package. Your preferences for potential partners are ignored unless you pay more. You do not know if your messages have been opened unless you pay. Avoid at all costs.

Total waste of time and money.

Total waste of time and money. All computer generated messages fake. No genuine people here. Just a money extracting website, stay away.

It’s a con

Don’t purchase on this site it’s a rip off there are no matches they I give you in with their adverts but no matches/nobody real on the site it’s a scam. Don’t waste your money it’s a con

Extortionate app

This app gives you no matches. Apparently over 50 people like me. Why am I not getting any matches then? Why is it not showing these people and letting me swipe on them? Just a scam to get you to pay for the extortionate app.

It was a complete waste of money

It was a complete waste of money. Continuous offers to “upgrade” for more money. I get emails saying I have “messages” but when I go to the site, I don’t. There are messages that some people “want to know you” but don’t even go. The few messages I have received have been answered with no response, which I do not think is successful. I tried to contact the company but just walked around.

A total rip-off

A total rip-off and a great waste of time.

I met my love

I was on the site for two weeks when I met my love. We initially chatted and then met within the week. We had a mutual attraction towards each other. We are now seeing each other on a regular basis and the future together is looking good.

There are a lot of ppl

There are a lot of ppl on this site, better than most. But we also pay one of the highest premiums. I don’t think it’s right to have to purchase coins to do many things! Because of this, if things don’t work out with him, I’ll look at other sites.

Lot of scammers

I was optimistic when I signed on to the site, I was on another site and got lots of scammers, so I was hoping this site was different. I have had a couple of dates from this site, but for the most part I seem to get a lot of scammers.

Do not trust this

Do not trust this so called dating site its just there to take your money as I said it should not be in operation!

Seems like a waste of time

Seems like a waste of time – and potentially a waste of money too.

I say avoid this site

I say avoid this site at all costs its as fake as they come.

Do not waste your money on Datemyage site

Do not waste your money on Datemyage site. Its absolutely crap. I better find a decent woman elsewhere, this website is just grabbing your money, destroying lives and what ever else they are doing. Preying on others, shame on you.

Datemyage.com is the worst dating site

Datemyage.com is the worst dating site I have encountered. Lots of people on there so they are making lots of money, but don’t deserve it. If you click on links, you don’t get the right person. If you try to communicate, you are asked to spend more money even as a subscriber. A rip off designed to fleece users desperate to meet people. Not recommended! Stay away.

Huge waste of time

I realized after not receiving response from local women that Datemyage is keeping up profiles of members who are not currently subscribed, which is not only a huge waste of time it’s bad for morale when no one responds.

Datemyage was even worse

Poorly designed, did not have high expectations to begin with but Datemyage was even worse that anticipated. Only got replies from apparent scammers. I would not be back on any dating site but except for the pandemic. Altogether not a pleasant experience.

Datemyage app is awful!

Datemyage app is awful! It used be great but you have fake people and you get genders that you don’t want. You have to go through each profile you can’t just see all the profiles. Datemyage changed that feature not sure why.

Thumbs up Datemyage.com

Datemyage.com is probably the best dating website out there. I am registered with 3 other websites but nothing can compete with Datemyage, the women are pretty, it isn’t too expensive for the service and the support is great. Thumbs up Datemyage.com

I joined Datemyage

After many years of uncertainty and loneliness, I began to think that I would never be able to meet my life mate. Then one day I joined Datemyage where I soon discovered the most amazing woman!

Thanks Datemyage

If you’re serious about finding someone and you’re not in a rush, this is a great site for you. I met my wife here and we are happily married. Thanks Datemyage

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